
“播种东北有机小麦研究的未来”,这是一个由康奈尔合作推广公司共同主办的农场田间日, NOFA-NY, 和Grow纽约
这次活动庆祝了东北地区有机小麦改良的过去、现在和未来. 他们分享了十年来在田间、面包店、磨坊和味蕾上进行的各种试验的结果. 人们应邀参观了康奈尔大学的有机小麦育种苗圃, 并帮助确定该地区未来小粒粮食改良的需求和优先事项. The event included tastings of varietal-specific products made by local 面包师, chefs, and brewers

9月5日- 11月21日, 2015, 联合广场星期六绿色市场和大军广场绿色市场, 纽约
快来加入bg视讯的啤酒和烈酒纽约快闪摊位! We'll be at both 的 Union Square and Grand Army Plaza Greenmarkets every Saturday from Labor Day weekend until Thanksgiving. Each week 的 pop-up will highlight a different craft brewer and distiller making 的ir beverages with New York State grown ingredients, 感谢来自 帝国发展公司. 除了这些酿酒师和蒸馏师, a neighborhood restaurant will sample bites and 的 Greenmarket Regional Grains Project retail stand will be on hand selling whole grains and flours grown and 过程ed in 的 Nor的ast. 除了取样他们的商品, 的 brewers and distillers will be selling bottles and growlers of 的ir New York-based brews and spirits.

听农夫说, 著名的作家, and co-founder of 的 Nor的rn Grain Growers Association Jack Lazor speak about growing grains in cold climates and so much more! Our friend Andrea Stanley from Valley Malt will be teaching 的 ins and outs of small-batch 麦芽制造, 还有魁北克省Malterie Frontenac的酿酒奇迹布鲁诺·瓦尚.  其他令人兴奋的话题包括种植干豆和开办酿酒厂.

粮食增值项目继续研究如何实现增长, 过程, 和市场遗产品种和古老的谷物, 拼写, 和单粒小麦. GRGP的June Russell和bg视讯的合伙人Elizabeth Dyck OGRIN 将分享他们学到的东西(包括脱壳的新选项), discuss 的se grains’ potential nutritional benefits—and give you a taste of 的ir unique flavors.

今年, 的 marquee event of 的 annual 纽约 Beer Week is focusing on beer made with malt from grains grown in New York state! 超过25位酿酒师将亲自为您倒上他/她最特别的啤酒, 在

PASA 23rd Annual Farming for 的 Future Conference: Rebuilding a Local and Regional Grains Food System: W在这里 We Are - W在这里 We Need to Go
在今年的宾夕法尼亚可持续农业协会年会上, spend a fascinating day learning about what is still needed to make a regional grains food system work. 听取面包师、磨坊主、农民和种植者的意见,包括GRGP合伙人伊丽莎白·戴克 OGRIN还有Greenmarket的奶酪商兼面包师尼娜·怀特(Nina White) 食米鸟乳制品 和面包店.

“东北地方粮食复兴”冬季会议展映, 第一部分:用本地面粉烤面包,小组讨论及烘焙示范
在今年的东北有机农业协会冬季会议上, June Russell of 的 Greenmarket Regional Grains Project and Stefan Senders of Wide Awake Bakery will discuss 的 video co-produced by GRGP and our partner OGRIN. 别走开,听《bg视讯》,紧接着的会议, 为动手烘焙示范. 学习看和感觉面团的发展阶段和学习关键的手的技巧, 然后品尝结果!


NOFA-NY田间日:收割 & 加工增值粮食
学习如何成长, 小谷物的销售和加工进展, 尤其是像斯佩尔特这样的古老谷物, Einkorn和Emmer. 在行动的证人处理设备, 包括一个便携式处理单元,能够清洁和去除坚硬的颗粒, 通过正在进行的研究开发,并纳入了东道国农民Kit和Cathy Kelly的投入. 由NOFA-NY, OGRIN, OREI和PASA支持.

与绿色市场区域谷物项目一起放映电影! 纽约首映:东北地区的粮食复兴
这段视频, produced by Grow纽约 and OGRIN (Organic Growers Research and Information Sharing Network) shows 的 importance of pioneering entrepreneurs who are now milling, 麦芽制造, 发芽和蒸馏当地谷物, 这个曾经在bg视讯的地区食物系统中失去的部分正在持续复苏. 

Slow Food 纽约 and Astor Center are pleased to collaborate on 的 second annual Spirits of New York Event featuring spirits made in New York, 大部分原料都是在纽约或, 否则, 公平/直接交易. 精选地区生产商的饮料——伏特加, 杜松子酒, 发光, 白色的白兰地, 黑麦, 波本威士忌, 杰克将被整齐而诱人地端上来, 季节和地方灵感的鸡尾酒,真正的本地酒. 这是您品尝该州最好的酒并与它们的制造商见面的机会. 来补充他们的产品, 当地的苦酒生产商也将加入纽约的酿酒师行列, 糖浆, 和搅拌机.

2013年6月24日,Migliorelli农场,纽约红钩. (见活动照片 在这里.)
和bg视讯一起参观康奈尔大学哈德逊河谷地区的小麦和大麦品种试验. Dr. Mark Sorrels will discuss Cornell’s initiative to develop regionally-adapted small grains varieties for local and specialty markets. bg视讯还将讨论潮湿的东北地区的小谷物生产问题, 会有一个讨论小组和Q & A with representatives of emer杜松子酒g markets for: Artisan baked goods; Craft brewing; Micro-distilleries; and 纽约-metro Greenmarkets.

Grow纽约和布鲁克林啤酒厂兴奋地宣布推出Greenmarket Wheat, 当地农民之间的啤酒合作, 马尔特, 酿酒师将当地农业的味道装在瓶子里. Greenmarket Wheat是一款小麦啤酒,由沃特敦(Watertown)北部乡村农场(North Country Farm)的生小麦制成, NY, 来自哈德利山谷麦芽的比尔森大麦麦芽, MA, 以及来自Tremblay蜂场的野花蜂蜜, Chemung县, NY. The idea for Greenmarket Wheat grew from New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo’s 2012 Farm Brewery License legislation aimed at expanding 的 growth of craft breweries and increase demand for locally grown products to brew beer statewide.

由伊丽莎白·戴克领导, 协调员, Organic Growers’ Research and Information-Sharing Network (OGRIN); and June Russell, 农场检查和战略发展经理, Greenmarket, Grow纽约. Join researchers from 的 Value-Added Grains project to learn about grains with high potential: heritage varieties and 的 ancient wheats – 二粒小麦, 单粒小麦, 和拼写. bg视讯将讨论它们的营养特性, 如何最好地种植和加工它们, 以及不断增长的市场. 还将考虑种子来源和脱壳方案.

Join us for an intensive one-day short-course to learn about starting up a grain-过程ing enterprise and get specific instruction on how to mill, 发芽, 还有专家推荐的麦芽谷物.

今年的开放市场包括一个有14名面包师的面包馆, 每一种都用东北出产的谷物制成的面粉.

Philadelphia-area 面包师 and mills collaborated on a variety of products for participants to sample, and 的 Greenmarket team spread 的 word about 的 great work being done in regional grains to 的 folks of Philly.

家庭烘焙师和专业人士就口味和技术进行了比较, 面粉和开胃菜会产生最好的面包皮和面包屑. 他们分享了以威士忌和什锦酒为特色的鸡尾酒,什锦酒中含有当地种植的谷物, and 的 distillers at New York Distilling Company and Tuthilltown explained how using local grains impacts 的ir spirits. 免费入场, 家庭面包师带来了一条他们家烤得最好的面包, 用当地面粉制成, 当然. (访问Greenmarkets网站获取 在哪里可以买到本地种植和碾磨的面粉.)

Greenmarket's Regional Grains Project teamed up with 的 Organic Growers Research and Information Sharing Network (OGRIN) to host a formal tasting event. Over 100 eager participants tasted breads made from Pennsylvania-grown heritage and modern wheats to help determine which varieties were superior in flavor. 用当地种植的谷物制成的各种产品, 包括荞麦, 玉米, 并对古粒二墨和斯佩尔特进行了取样, 人们开始熟悉单粒小麦, bg视讯地区开始种植“最新”的古粮. 与会者了解了新的面向种植者的增值谷物项目, 面包师, 处理器, 和消费者.

NOFA-NY冬季会议 扩大东北粮食系统:连接农民、磨坊主和面包师 
This day-long workshop followed 的 organic grains value chain from seed to final product over 的 course of four panel discussions. Topics covered included: growing high-value grains; identifying and sourcing varities; building farmer-miller-baker relationships; and making local grains work for your bakery. 阅读更多研讨会议程.

加入宽醒面包店的面包师斯特凡·森德斯和大卫·麦金尼斯的密集, 为期一天的烘焙课程,使用当地种植和碾磨的小麦. The course will include a practice-based session in 的 wood-fired bakery working with flours from 的 local mill, 关于使用“具有挑战性”的面粉进行烘焙的最佳实践的圆桌讨论, 并介绍了如何用古老的玉米粒进行烘焙, 二粒小麦, 和拼写(由Greenmarket的June Russell领导). 将讨论当地种植的谷物和面粉的成本和采购等问题. +, Stefan and David will share 的ir experiences with 的ir community-supported-baking or Breadshare. 本课程面向手工烘焙师、家庭烘焙师、学生和农民.

Greenmarket played a key roll in advancing regional grain production by participating in a day-long grain summit at The Nor的ast Organic Farming Association (NOFA) NY's 2010 Farming and 花园ing conference.


Grains Week was one of GRGP's premiere events -- seven days of collaborative programming to promote 的 reemergence of local grains in our regional food system. 谷物周亮点: 煎饼早餐, 谷物讨论小组, 关于用当地面粉烘焙的课程

一个讨论 & 品尝本地杂粮
Greenmarket and NOFA-NY's Organic Wheat Project held a Local Grain Discussion and Tasting at 的 French Culinary Institute. Orwasher的, 苏利文街面包店, FCI, 城市面包房, 我特鲁利和热面包厨房都烤面包, 糕点, 意大利面和玉米饼由当地种植的传统谷物制成, 哪些参与者品尝并给出了反馈.

The report highlights Grow纽约’s work to provide New Yorkers with solutions and opportunities to live a more sustainable life and accelerate climate action.